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Business Boss

Hey Teachers!


I'm Jessica. I've been teaching high school business for 3 years now. Knowing that I wanted to be a teacher from the start, my bachelors degree is in Business & Marketing Education. Recently, I graduated with my Master of Education in Learning & Technology degree as well. During my teaching journey so far, I've moved states and gotten married. So my experience of how to run my classroom successfully has been accompanied with knowledge of how to work in different districts and even teach in different states.


Now that I'm settled in and have found a district that I absolutely love working for, I've really gotten into the teaching groove. I know what works for me and how to teach to my best ability. My teacher personality is definitely organized and prepared. It's just how my brain works best - I can't think straight if things are messy! I love experimenting with different platforms and trying new things in my classroom. But it wasn't always like that (we'll get to this in a blog post)... it took a while to find my own path of success.


One day a teacher friend of mine told me that I should be sharing the things I do in my classroom with other teachers. After thinking about all of the teachers that I was already following on blogs and social media platforms, I thought why not? It would be great if I am able to inspire fellow educators the way that others have inspired me. With that being said, welcome to my site! 


- Jessica, Business Boss

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